The Ultimate Stubborn Fat Sequence:

Your 14-Day Protocol To Losing ALL Your Lower Belly Bulge
and Legitimately “TARGETING” Stubborn Fat


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A Special FREE Article from the Desk of:
Shaun Hadsall

Expert Author | Fat Loss Coach | CPT


Thanks so much for taking time out of your busy day and coming over to my site!

If you’re reading this article then you obviously have an interest in accelerating your fat loss.

After all, who doesn’t want to look better, feel better, have more energy, increase their self esteem and pretty much improve every other area of their life?

I know I do.

And that’s exactly what happens when you accelerate your fat loss in healthy and sustainable fashion.

Everything in life just gets a whole lot better.

It’s a strange phenomenon, but when you make significant progress shrinking your waistline or you get to the point where you can actually see definition in your stomach…

All of sudden you realize that same focus has leaked into every other area of your life.

It’s like hitting the bull’s eye of your body and life.

But it’s not easy.

It requires consistency and effort. And usually it’s pretty simple to lose the first few pounds. But then it gets tricky and requires more of a strategy.

That’s why I put together this article and I’m so passionate about helping others learn the truth about real fat loss. You see - your body is smart. Super smart. And it can adapt very quickly to old school weight loss methods.

There’s actually a name for it. It’s called the “Adaptive Response” and it can be your greatest fat burning enemy unless you know how to overcome it.

If you’ve ever experienced a weight loss plateau, then you know exactly what I’m talking about.

And you’ve probably discovered (like I did years ago) that fat loss pills, crash diets, endless cardio and infomercial gadgets are ineffective, outdated, and pretty much a waste of time and energy.

But today I am going to introduce you to an aggressive, yet extremely efficient exercise strategy that’s specifically designed to burn off stubborn fat, flatten your belly and eventually get your lower abs “popping” out.

Best of all, it will only take you about 90 minutes a week.

The Ultimate Stubborn Fat Sequence
Your 14 Day Solution To Target Ugly Pockets of Cellulite AND Losing ALL Your Lower Stomach Fat…

I’m sure you’re no stranger to interval training. And if you’ve ever consistently used this type of strategy, keep reading because I solve the main problem with trendy intervals (and traditional cardio) below with the Ultimate Stubborn Fat Sequence.

It’s by far the most efficient and effective way to force the release of fat burning hormones to help you burn off stubborn body fat and bust through a plateau.

The Legitimate Science Behind “Releasing”
and Burning Stubborn Fat

For those of you who don’t know, intervals (aka – metabolic bursting) are simply a very hard, short burst of exercise (sprinting, jumping, cycling, bodyweight exercises etc.) followed by an active recovery period to let the heart rate come back down before repeating another interval or burst.

This is NOT traditional interval training that’s become so trendy over the last few years.

Traditional intervals typically last 45 seconds all the way up to 2 minutes in length. Bursting intervals are shorter in duration (10 to 45 seconds max) and harder in effort.

These short, brief, high intensity exercise bursts trump old school cardio (and even traditional intervals) everyday of the week.

And if you really wanna see a dramatic change in how your body looks – it doesn’t require a lot of exercise time – but it does require INTENSITY.

Trust me, you’ll know when you get there…

After you’re done getting a giggle…continue below.

Catastrophic HUH?

Catecholamines are "fight-or-flight" hormones released by the adrenal glands in response to stress like high intensity bursting. They are part of the sympathetic nervous system and they force the release of free fatty acids into the bloodstream.

Catecholamines eventually convert to dopamine, to norepinephrine, and eventually to epinephrine, which ultimately forces the release of these free fatty acids.

In other words, these catecholamines break apart stubborn body fat (more on how to effectively “burn off” this residual fat in Part 2 of your 14 day protocol below).

This is just one of the many reasons why strategic intervals and bursts are so much more effective for fat loss than traditional exercise and old-school cardio.


As you can see, the benefits of this approach go way beyond the scope of traditional cardio exercise.

I know this might sound like it’s a little more advanced, but I’ve dissected, researched, and applied this protocol on other people and myself for several years now so average people like you don’t have to try and figure out all the scientific jargon.

In Part 1 of the Ultimate Stubborn Fat Sequence below, I’m going to introduce you to a 12 minute protocol that will force the release of fat burning hormones (like catecholamines). This becomes the catalyst for free fatty acids to dump into the bloodstream at a steady rate.

Then in Part 2 you’ll learn the “magic” behind targeting lower belly bulge, love handles and ugly stomach fat with my plateau busting Ultimate Stubborn Fat Sequence.

These workouts use scientifically proven strategies that will DOUBLE your results by burning off residual free fatty acids, while enhancing the after-burn. This is also a great way to target that lower stubborn hard-to-get-rid-of fat and bust through an exercise or diet plateau.

Ok, here is Part 1: The scientifically proven routine specifically designed to attack and release stubborn fatty acids into the blood stream to burned off.

Go get em’

Warning: The protocols below are typically not for beginners. Make sure you’ve conditioned yourself previously with normal exercise on a consistent basis. Additionally, make sure you’ve been cleared by your doctor for higher intensity exercise.

Part 1:
Strategic Interval - Bursting Protocol

Strategic Interval - Bursting Protocol

Intensity Level Guidelines Below

*Intensity levels are different for every person and are based on your current condition, age, gender, or other limitations, so please gauge your intensity level based on where you’re at right now personally.

How You Can “TARGET” Lower Belly Bulge
with the Ultimate Stubborn Fat

The warm up is important for 2 reasons…

  1. It lowers and stabilizes insulin. This is vital because it’s nearly impossible to burn fat in the presence of insulin.

  2. It warms up the muscles, which will prevent injury, and creates more blood flow. Research indicates more blood flow equals more free fatty acids being released into the blood stream so they can be burned off (which equals more fat loss).

    Side Bar: You can discover exactly how to create more “blood flow” to stubborn pockets of cellulite and belly fat by grabbing my 18 Page Report below – 100% FREE.

OK…Time To Get “SNEAKY

Immediately after you finish these high intensity bursts or even strategic body weight circuits using this protocol, free fatty acids literally pour or “dump” into the bloodstream.

This is where we can incorporate a sneaky strategy to burn them off.

If you don’t, research shows these fatty acids float around and can literally move from your upper body to your lower body (or somewhere else) and just be re-stored as body fat again.

Weird and wacky – I know, but God designed the human body to be a survivor. So your body will do whatever necessary to protect itself by holding on to more fat.

This is where I reveal how you can use a strategic method when performing intervals or bursting along with an “old school” steady state cardio trick to help you burn off the extra Free Fatty Acids that are floating around in the bloodstream.

This is yet another metabolic “trick” to help you prevent fat from “re-storing”.

This is a process called re-esterification and in order to avoid it Part 2 of the Ultimate Stubborn Fat Sequence is crucial. This is particularly important if you want legitimately target hard to get rid of stubborn areas.

Make no mistake about it. 99.9% of exercisers who don’t have access to this information will hit adaptation (i.e. a weight loss plateau) and STOP losing weight.

But I approach fat loss completely differently from almost everyone else.

Like 180 degrees opposite.

I want to show you exactly how to use Part 2 of the Ultimate Stubborn Fat Sequence.

But it's not something I want to reveal here, on a public site.

So just add yourself to my private email list below. I'll instantly hook you up with a full blow 18 page report that details everything you need to know to PREVENT “re-esterfication” and legitimately “target” your lower belly bulge and love handles.