Ab “Targeted” Interval and Cardio Solution
Private Update #1


3 “old-school” Steady State Cardio
Tricks that DOUBLE Fat-Loss and
Burn Off More Stubborn Fat……


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Plus…The ONLY Time You Should NEVER Do
Low Intensity “Aerobic” Type Cardio…

I was never one to fall for infomercial gadgets or even hyped up fat burners.

In my younger years I fell for a few supplement scams but I always knew you still had to “do the work”.

And even though I had enough motivation to exercise consistently, I still royally messed up my approach to cardio for years.

Then I did some thorough research and real world testing, and I quickly discovered methods taught by personal trainers from a textbook were outdated, inefficient, and VERY misleading.

After all, who wants to spend 45 minutes to an hour doing slow boring cardio 5 to 6 days of the week?

No thanks.

It’s a recipe for plateaus and burnout.

It’s really logical if you think about it.

Our Paleolithic ancestors used to walk or hike through the woods looking for prey…then they would burst or sprint to spear or kill an animal for their daily food.

That’s why chronic joggers - like marathon runners - have a hard time holding onto muscle. Additionally, many of them hold large pockets of belly fat and end up suffering from injury and joint pain.

Our bodies simply aren’t designed for this type of abuse.

I remember years ago when I was wasting all my time and effort doing traditional cardio. I would focus on two things:

  1. How many calories I burned during the workout.

  2. Making sure I was staying in my so-called “target” heart rate zone.

I can’t even imagine how many pounds of belly fat I COULD have lost if I would have just had my hands on the knowledge I’m about ready to share with you inside this three part series on “cycling” your cardio and interval workouts.

I wouldn’t have spent 8 years wasting my time pounding away for hours on end.

If you can relate to ANY of this or you’re wondering how to approach cardio the right way for aggressive (and sustained) fat loss (instead of just weight or water loss), you’re going to love the approach I’m about ready to reveal.

I’m not saying it’s a magic bullet or quick fix. It will require some planning and effort on your part.

But at least you’ll KNOW your cardio and interval sessions are legitimately “targeting” hard to get rid of lower abdominal fat and even stubborn pockets of cellulite.

So first things first.

Let’s reveal the right way to approach and use the old-school stand by: aerobic steady state cardio.

Regardless of what people are saying on-line or what your local personal trainer has to say about intervals or low intensity aerobics, the uncontested truth is this:

We ALL need BOTH aerobic (old-school) cardio combined with a variety of intervals to be a real fat burning machine year round.

The reason traditional cardio has gotten such a bad wrap is the same reason many legit fitness tips do…


People simply either overdo it or approach cardio and interval training completely the wrong way.

But when done properly (like I’m about ready to show you) aerobic intensity results in many positive adaptations to keep your metabolism healthy and be a long term fat-burner.

But you can’t just jump on the treadmill or cardio machine and start pounding away.

You’ll send your body all the wrong signals and messages.

In fact, you could actually program your metabolism to burn nothing but food, calories, and sugars while completely ignoring fat.

So here’s how to do it RIGHT.

The DEATH of Traditional “Aerobic”
Based Cardio?

Why “old-school” Cardio is NOT Dead...and How
to do it RIGHT for Faster Fat Loss...

First of all you have to understand why you just can’t ignore steady state aerobic based cardio.

I hear a lot of negative associations with cardio on the Internet. Right now there are hundreds (if not thousands) of fitness professionals out there saying it’s not even necessary to do this type of cardio anymore.

I TOTALLY disagree.

First of all, this type of cardio strengthens the heart and the entire cardio-respiratory system through totally different metabolic pathways than higher intensity levels.

This results in general good health and a strong heart.

But even more important is its ability to enhance performance of all other activity levels.

Aerobic conditioning is the foundation of fitness because it’s the springboard that prepares the body to handle higher-intensity exercise.

Beginners should always try to build a base of aerobic workouts before moving to more advanced higher intensity strategies because it primes their body to perform and respond better.

So lower intensity aerobic based (old-school) steady state cardio should remain an integral part of even the most advanced training regimens.

You just have to make sure you don’t overdo it.

Aerobic intensity exercise also increases your overall endurance, which allows you to sustain other higher intensity based activity for longer periods of time.

It does this by increasing your body’s fat burning efficiency and glucose storage capacity.

It’s also an excellent means of improving body composition, because the rate of fat burning peaks in the middle of this intensity range.

Keep in mind this is a much different metabolic process than burning stubborn fat with bursting or intervals, but a necessary aspect that should not be overlooked.

Even though calories are burned more rapidly in threshold and bursting intervals workouts (coming in part 2 and 3 of this series), the overall calorie-burning potential of aerobic exercise is greater.

Understanding How to Burn More Belly Fat
with Lower Intensity “Aerobic” Based Cardio

When you perform “old-school” steady state cardio you use the aerobic system.

Within this intensity level oxygen is primarily present so you can exercise for longer durations at a steady pace.

Just remember: Aerobic means with oxygen (lower intensity) and anaerobic means without oxygen (higher intensity).

IMPORTANT: Whenever you use the aerobic system, the majority of fat calories burned happens during the workout itself – as opposed to after compared with higher intensity protocols.

Within aerobic metabolism, oxygen is used to break down fatty acids and glucose to release energy. The aerobic system produces harmless byproducts (carbon dioxide, water, and heat).

Since this energy is readily available for use, aerobic-intensity exercise can continue for relatively long periods of time, especially in well-conditioned people.

But because aerobic metabolism is usually slower, this energy system is actually inadequate to support high-intensity efforts.

Ok, let’s summarize this strategy so you’re doing it right…


The 3 BEST Times to Perform
“Old-School” Retro Cardio...

  1. I recommend using this intensity level once a week when you have extra time (like on weekends). Perform one longer duration aerobic based cardio workout for 30 to 60 minutes.

    Anymore than this is really not necessary if you’re using the other two metabolic systems the right way. There are a few exceptions to this rule, but not as a long term approach.

  2. Directly after any type of Strength Training Workout is another great time to use this type of exercise. I explain the details of this approach in today’s video above.

    Basically glycogen (energy inside your muscles and liver) will be depleted (or low) after lifting weights or resistance training, so it’s a great time to access fat as fuel by using a shorter aerobic based steady state workout.

  3. Directly after any type of high intensity interval or bursting type of workout.

There’s quite a bit of strategy behind this approach.

I lay out all the details for you inside my “7 Day Ab Targeted Cardio and Interval Solution”.

This method will greatly enhance your body’s ability to get rid of stubborn hard-to-get-rid-of fat.


The One Time You Should NEVER Perform
“Old-School” Aerobic Based Cardio...




NEVER forget the Goals and Benefits of the “Aerobic” Based Cardio:

This entire cardio and interval “cycling” philosophy is outlined in detail day-by-day…week-by-week…workout-by-workout inside my brand new 7 Day Ab “Targeted” Cardio and Interval Solution Bonus.

And when you pick up my 4 Cycle Solution Carb Cycling Nutrition System today at OVER 70% OFF the regular price, I’ll instantly hook you up with this new guide – 100% FREE.

=> 70% OFF 4 Cycle Solution + 7 Day Ab “Targeted” Cardio & Interval Solution

I know I beat this drum to death all the time, but it’s worth mentioning one more time so you don’t mess up this entire approach.



In other words, nutrition is what will determine 75% of your fat burning results. No away around it.

I don’t care what anybody says. You can’t “out-exercise” a BAD DIET.

That’s why I start EVERY single one of my private paying clients with our 7 Day Diet BEFORE I move them through the 3 proven cycles of fat-loss.

  1. It shuts off your body’s dependence on sugars.

  2. It depletes glycogen faster than any plan on planet earth (lol…not kidding either).

  3. It HEALS damaged metabolisms and PROGRAMS your body to find and burn stubborn fat as its primary fuel source.

  4. It sets your body up for the long term carb cycling lifestyle.

My wife actually lost 8 pounds in only seven days the first time she tried the 7 Day Diet and believe it or not I’ve had one student lose over 15 pounds in one week.

Obviously this isn’t going to happen week after week. But it sure is one helleva start. :-)

Although we all have different genetics there’s absolutely no reason you can’t do it too.

It all starts right here with my Free 7 Day Ab Targeted Cardio & Interval Solution combined with our famous 7 Day Diet (aka – Advanced Depletion):

=> 4 Cycle Solution over 70% off + 7 Day Ab Targeted Cardio & Interval Solution


But you gotta hurry cuz I’m only offering this deal to my VIP Subscribers for a limited time.

And when you start “cycling” your cardio and interval workouts together with the Macro-Patterning™ lifestyle, they’ll be no turning back.

Your results will finally be SUSTAINABLE.

Go read through this article AND the success stories on this private webpage I set up for you and you’ll see exactly what I mean.

Keep going strong,

Shaun “old-school cardio is not dead” Hadsall

P.S. I’ll be back next with the “hidden” interval system I use inside my 7 Day Ab “Targeted” Bonus Cardio and Interval Solution.

The weird thing is that NOBODY ever talks about using this metabolic system.

It’s called the “Threshold” system and the benefits of this approach are going to blow you away.

No quick fixes or anything like that. Just pure fat-burning STRATEGY.

But you have to start here first.

Otherwise it could backfire on you.