Ab “Targeted” Interval and Cardio Solution
Private Update #2


Instantly Access this “Hidden” Metabolic System to RAPIDLY Deplete Glycogen Stores and AVOID Plateaus


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Burn More Fat with Threshold Intervals…

(Anaerobic Glycolysis)

Have you ever heard personal trainers or fitness pros talking about how to use something called Threshold Intervals?

Didn’t think so.

That’s because there’s typically two schools of thought when it comes to cardio.

Traditional steady state cardio or intervals.

Like I mentioned in yesterday’s update, most people don’t even approach normal cardio the right way, much less intervals. 

Even after I discovered regular intervals over 12 years ago, I still missed out on maximizing my fat burning potential and my ability to stay lean consistently because I always would do the same thing week after week.

Lift weights. Do high intensity intervals. Lift weights. Do high intensity intervals.

Rinse and repeat over and over.

Don’t get me wrong. It worked. In fact - it worked BIG TIME.

But after a few weeks my results would level off. Plus it got boring doing the same things day in and day out.

Enter: Threshold Intervals

That’s when I discovered the “hidden” metabolic system that NOBODY ever talks about.

Threshold Intervals.

This exercise strategy and intensity level is crucial to understand in order to avoid weight-loss plateaus from both exercise and nutrition.

And it will automatically enhance the results of all your other exercise efforts.

So if you’re stuck, this is gonna help you in a big way.

The Simple Fat Burning Science of
“Threshold” Intensity

Threshold intensity is the first anaerobic system, which is technically called anaerobic glycolysis. This is the metabolic system just above aerobic training so it’s a higher intensity level than traditional long duration cardio activity.

(Remember from yesterday’s update, aerobic just means oxygen is present so you can maintain the intensity for longer periods of time. Usually anywhere between 15 minutes all the way up to 60 minutes.)

When you enter threshold intensity zones the process of anaerobic glycolysis takes place.

Glucose (sugars and/or our body’s metabolic fuel) is broken down for energy without the use of oxygen.

This process of breaking down glucose occurs at a much faster rate using Threshold Intervals than with aerobic metabolism from lower intensity, steady state – type of cardio exercise.

Simply put, the Threshold system can support higher-intensity efforts.

However, when glycolysis takes place during a Threshold type of workout, it also produces metabolic waste products that inhibit muscle contractions, which results in faster exhaustion.

The aerobic system can use these same waste products as fuels, but as soon as exercise intensity crosses a certain threshold, wastes are produced faster than they can be used.

These waste products then accumulate in the muscles, which begin to “burn” (from lactate or lactic acid) and feel weak, and pretty soon you’re toast and you have to recover again.

That’s why it’s so important to incorporate the Threshold system with a series of intervals.

Performing intervals at this intensity level that is slightly above this aerobic “threshold” carries significant benefits.

To begin with, Threshold Intervals simply enhances the cardiovascular benefits that come from normal aerobic training.

If you do only aerobic-intensity workouts for a prolonged period of time, your results will level off - FAST.

But by adding threshold intervals into your program, you can continue to make progress WITHOUT Plateaus.

Threshold Intervals are also effective in transforming body composition. They burn calories at a faster rate than aerobic workouts, so they represent a more time-efficient level of exercise.

Additionally, Threshold Intervals are typically performed at what’s called the “Lactate Threshold”, which has been shown to rapidly deplete glycogen stores faster than other intensity levels.

So the threshold workout will empty out every last bit of glycogen inside your muscle tissue and liver to clear the way for an influx of extra carbs and calories that may happen on a cheat day or a higher carb day (baseline).

This will also rev up metabolic rate and maximize the hormonal "shift" that takes place with resetting T3 and T4 (thyroid hormone levels) and leptin levels during a structured carb load or cheat meal.

In other words, it will help create more room in your energy tank by aggressively depleting both muscle and liver glycogen (i.e. stored energy), therefore enhancing fat loss and/or replenishment of nutrients.

Ok, if this sounds a bit complicated don’t worry.

I’ll show you how to use this intensity level in just a second.

Just keep in mind that Threshold Intervals are only beneficial when you also build them WITH a base of aerobic training.

In other words, Threshold Intervals will also help you burn more fat and calories when incorporating a base of steady state aerobic cardio AND short duration higher intensity bursts along with it (more on this tomorrow in VIP Update #3).

So basically the “7 Day Ab Targeted Cardio & Interval Solution” workouts all “FEED” off each other to prevent plateaus so you can maintain continuous progress and accelerate your results for the long haul.

Threshold Summary

Goals and Benefits:



When to Perform:

How You Can Access The “Threshold
To Deplete Glycogen FASTER,
Prevent Plateaus and Burn MORE Fat…

You should typically stay in this anaerobic zone for 1 to 3 minutes at a time before letting your heart rate come back down and recovering.

Even though most threshold workouts are between 25 and 45 minutes long, but here’s a FREE sample for you to try.

It’s an efficient 15 minute version that I have my private clients use when they’re short on time.

NOTE: I’m going to use running for the example intensity guidelines but you can use ANY type of cardio exercise.  
This is SUPER simple.

Just repeat the following sequence 5xs and cool down.

Sample 15 Minute Threshold Sequence

IMPORTANT: Every third minute make sure to pace yourself so that you can maintain close to the SAME intensity level for the ENTIRE minute.

This is what’s going to create the desired “Threshold” effect to achieve all the benefits I listed above.

Keep in mind this is the most important aspect of this approach.

Sometimes it’s difficult to gauge intensity with Threshold Intervals because the intervals are longer in duration.

If you go “all out” at the beginning of each interval, you’ll poop out and never make it all the way through while maintaining the proper intensity.

You’ll also be tapping into and working the WRONG system.

As you can see this is short, sweet, and easy. Well…not really “easy” – but simple.

And don’t forget...

This entire cardio and interval “cycling” philosophy is outlined in detail day-by-day…week-by-week…workout-by-workout inside my brand new 7 Day Ab “Targeted” Cardio and Interval Solution Bonus.

And when you grab my 4 Cycle Solution Carb Cycling Nutrition System at OVER 70% OFF the public retail price today, I’ll instantly hook you up with this new guide – 100% FREE.

=> 70% 4 Cycle Solution + 7 Day Ab “Targeted” Cardio & Interval Solution

Of course you can give the Threshold workout above a whirl on its own and hope for the best.

But WITHOUT shutting off your sugars and reprogramming your metabolism to find and burn fat as fuel first, you could be dead in the water.

That’s exactly why I start EVERY single one of my private paying clients with our 7 Day Diet BEFORE I move them through the three proven cycles of fat-loss.

Although we all have different genetics -- I’ve never found anybody this plan hasn’t worked for.

And when you combine my Free 7 Day Ab Targeted Cardio & Interval Solution with Advanced Depletion (i.e. The 7 Day Diet) you create a powerful one-two punch to attack lower abdominal fat and stubborn pockets of cellulite:

=> 4 Cycle Solution 70% OFF + 7 Day Ab Targeted Cardio & Interval Solution

But remember, the Free Bonus and over 70% off deal are only good for a limited time.

Just go listen to a few of the video testimonials that I put up for you on my site and you’ll quickly discover if this fat burning lifestyle is for you or not.

Again – this is NOT a magic bullet or quick fix.

It’s a simple solution to a complex problem.

=> How to NEVER store carbs as fat + 7 Day Ab “Targeted” Exercise Bonus

There’s one last piece of the Ab Targeted Cardio & Interval Solution puzzle that I’ll be sharing next.

It’s the third and final metabolic system: Creatine-Phosphate

Hint: I save the best for last.

It’s a unique exercise protocol that will help you MASTER the hormones that burn fat and help you “reprogram” your body to be a long term fat burner.

Talk soon,
Shaun “threshold intervals” Hadsall