Ab “Targeted” Interval and Cardio Solution
Private Update #3


MASTER the Hormones that Burn Fat
and “Reprogram” Your Metabolism to
be a Life-Long Fat Burner…


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Note: Exclusive VIP Bonus Added
TWO FREE Rapid Fat Loss Bonuses

($347 Value)

To celebrate The 4 Cycle Solution recently becoming a Top 10 on-line best seller, when you grab your copy today, you'll also gain access to what I consider to be one of the most valuable bonus packages EVER.

Bonus #1: The ENTIRE 4 Cycle Solution course on video, which includes all 4 proven Macro-Patterning™ Cycles, to ensure you get a lightning fast start.

Bonus #2: The 7 Day Ab “Targeted” Cardio & Interval Solution. This protocol is custom designed to double the results of Cycle #1 - while making your stomach look flatter, tighter, and leaner in only one short week.

Again, for everyone who picks up the 4 Cycle Solution system, I'm going to GIVE you BOTH bonuses for FREE.

After this week, however, none of these bonuses will ever be made available again, even to buy. The ONLY way you can gain access to them is by picking up The 4 Cycle Solution during this special VIP sale.


Discover How to Burn Fat for 48 Hours
Straight from ONE 12 Minute Workout…

I’ll never forget the day I learned about high intensity interval training.

I had been using steady state cardio five or six days of the week for a few years straight, but was still carrying a lot of belly fat.

Even with strict nutrition I still couldn’t get my love handles or the fat around my waist to shrink past a certain point.

I wasn’t really “fat”…but I sure wasn’t happy with the way I looked when I took off my shirt either.

Then I came across an article by Bill Phillips (the original founder of EAS supplements and creator of the now famous Body-for-LIFE™ physique transformation contest) in an issue of his Muscle Media magazine.

(Man, I really miss that mag. It was light years ahead of its time.)

Bill cited a few studies that showed how HIIT (high intensity interval training) could increase your body’s ability to access fat as fuel over 300% faster than normal exercise or cardio.

Then he proceeded to elaborate on how you could get more fat loss results from one 12 to 20 minutes session than you could in a full hour of traditional cardio.

NOW he had my attention.

In fact, the very next morning I gave his sample interval workout a shot. I sweated more bullets during that 12 minute session than 45 minutes of traditional cardio.

And I’ve NEVER looked back.

Believe it or not this was way back in 1998 well before the mainstream had a clue about this type of approach.

After entering Bill’s contest and proceeding to use this method consistently two things happened. Well…three really.

  1. I went from almost 20% body fat all the way down to 5% in only 12 weeks.
  2. I cut my exercise time in half – from 10 to 12 hours a week to 4 or 5 hours a week.

And 90 days later, I was blessed with a 1st Runner-Up Grand Champion placing in Bill’s contest out of over 22,000 other competitors.

Since that time I’ve met Bill personally, partnered with a NY times best selling author, was voted America’s “Most Fit” Health & Fitness Pro, and reached thousands across the globe with this unique approach.

Now I don’t share ANY of this to impress you…but to impress UPON you how powerful this strategy can be to take control of your fat burning hormones and keep the weight off for good.

But there’s way more to the story now because science has come leaps and bounds since I first discovered this strategy well over 10 years ago. 

Introducing System #3:
Metabolic Bursting


Since that time I’ve refined and perfect this method that I now call Metabolic Bursting.

This approach is by far the most efficient and effective way to force the release of fat burning hormones to help you burn off stubborn body fat and reprogram your metabolism so it WANTS to burn fat as fuel everyday.

For those of you who don’t know, metabolic bursts are simply a very hard, short burst of exercise (cardio, sprinting, jumping, cycling, bodyweight exercises etc.) followed by an active recovery period to let the heart rate come back down before repeating another interval or burst.

This is different than traditional interval training that you’ve probably read about on-line or in fitness magazines.  

Traditional intervals typically last 45 seconds all the way up to 2 or 3 minutes in length. Bursting intervals are shorter in duration (usually 20 to 30 seconds max) and harder in effort.

These short, brief, high intensity exercise bursts metabolically and hormonally trump “old school” cardio (and even traditional intervals) everyday of the week.

This type of anaerobic (without oxygen) energy system is called the creatine phosphate system. It fuels maximum and near-maximum efforts of these short-bursting types of intervals.

Only tiny amounts of creatine phosphate are stored in the muscles, so this energy system cannot support efforts lasting much longer than 20 seconds.

These bursting types of workouts burn more calories per minute than all workouts of lesser intensity.

They also keep the body’s metabolic rate elevated for 38 to 48 hours after the workout – if you push yourself hard enough.

The aerobic and threshold based exercise that I discussed in Update #1 and Update #2 cause a slight “after burn” effect, but it is not nearly as pronounced as Metabolic Bursting.

The research I’ve read and looked at indicates about a 60 minute after burn from aerobic activity and about a 3 to 4 hour after-burn from Threshold type of intervals.

I’m not sure how conclusive this it, but it gives you a general idea.

However, this does not mean you should do only higher-intensity cardio workouts if your goal is weight loss and you have limited time to work out.

Bursting interval type of workouts are nice to fall back on when you’re in a hurry, but they’re too stressful to perform more than a few times a week.

Like I discussed in the last two updates, they’re also only effective when they build on an “old-school” aerobic foundation.

You can get away with being more aggressive for short periods of focused efforts, but don’t overdo it with these workouts.

You’ll just burn out and possibly even get injured.

Recovery is critical.

This type of exercise is powerful stuff, but you have to take the “smart” approach.

MASTER Your Fat Burning Hormones:
The Bursting Hormonal Advantage…

So now that you have an idea of what bursting is and how it can have a dramatic impact on your metabolic rate, let’s talk about the powerful effect this type of protocol and exercise intensity level can have on your hormones and fat burning capability.

It all starts with hormones called catecholamines.

Catecholamines are "fight-or-flight" hormones released by the adrenal glands in response to stress like high intensity bursting. They are part of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and they force the release of free fatty acids into the bloodstream.

Catecholamines eventually convert to dopamine, to norepinephrine, and eventually to epinephrine, which ultimately forces the release of these free fatty acids.

In other words, these catecholamines help break apart stubborn body fat.

This is just one of the many reasons why strategic intervals and bursts are so much more effective for a creating a healthy metabolism and burning off stubborn hard-to-get-rid-of fat than other forms of traditional exercise.

This protocol offers a host of other benefits as well…

An example of EPOC…or the After Burn Effect:

(HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training)

As you can see, the benefits of this approach go way beyond the scope of traditional cardio exercise.

I know this might sound like it’s a little more advanced, but I’ve dissected, researched, and applied this protocol on other people and myself for several years now so average people like you don’t have to try and figure out all the scientific jargon.

I’ll give you the most popular mainstream example of this strategy below, but first let’s summarize everything.

Metabolic Bursting Summary

Goals and Benefits:


Type of exercise and/or equipment to use:

If you use the treadmill, be careful. Once you get the belt moving at higher speeds, you’ll have to straddle the treadmill for every 10 second rest during this protocol because you won’t have the time to slow the belt down and speed it back up again.


When to Perform:

Here’s a FREE sample Tabata Protocol (named after the scientist who discovered it) for you to try out:

The Tabata Protocol Breakdown

4 minute warm up

4 minute Tabata bursting protocol

Here’s an example exercise graph of the Tabata Bursting protocol:

Unlike this graph above, I highly recommend at least a 4 minute warm up (lowers insulin and warms up muscles) and cool down as well because it’s important to let the heart rate come back down to normal levels before stopping.

I don’t like repeating myself, but your health comes first, so please don’t be an over-achiever and try doing bursting workouts like this everyday.

If you do it will just backfire on you – I promise.

Remember, exercise is just the “stimuli”.

The results occur while you rest and nourish.

In other words, nutrition and recovery is crucial in order for this protocol to work properly on your body.

You can actually DOULBE the fat loss results of this strategy when you combine it with traditional cardio, Threshold Intervals and a few nutrition tricks.

That’s where my 4 Cycle Solution Carb Cycling Nutrition System and today’s bonus comes into play.

They’re perfectly set up for you to experience 7 days of your most aggressive and sustained fat-loss ever.

And right now because you’re one of my VIP subscribers…

And right now you can grab my entire 4 Cycle Solution Macro-Patterning™ Nutrition System over 70% OFF the normal retail price.

PLUS, you get my 7 Day Ab “Targeted” Cardio & Interval Solution” AND the entire course on video, which includes all 4 proven Macro-Patterning™ Cycles, to ensure you can a lightning fast start.

BOTH of these new bonuses are specifically designed to DOUBLE the results of the 7 Day Diet (Cycle 1).

=> 70% OFF 4 Cycle Solution + TWO Rapid-Fat Loss Bonuses - 100% FREE

Note: Exclusive VIP Bonus Added
TWO FREE Rapid Fat Loss Bonuses

($347 Value)

To celebrate The 4 Cycle Solution recently becoming a Top 10 on-line best seller, when you grab your copy today, you'll also gain access to what I consider to be one of the most valuable bonus packages EVER.

Bonus #1: The ENTIRE 4 Cycle Solution course on video, which includes all 4 proven Macro-Patterning™ Cycles, to ensure you get a lightning fast start.

Bonus #2: The 7 Day Ab “Targeted” Cardio & Interval Solution. This protocol is custom designed to double the results of Cycle #1 - while making your stomach look flatter, tighter, and leaner in only one short week.

Again, for everyone who picks up the 4 Cycle Solution system, I'm going to GIVE you BOTH bonuses for FREE.

After this week, however, none of these bonuses will ever be made available again, even to buy. The ONLY way you can gain access to them is by picking up The 4 Cycle Solution during this special VIP sale.

Of course you can give every one these strategies a whirl on their own and hope for the best.

But WITHOUT shutting off your sugars and reprogramming your metabolism to find and burn fat as fuel first, you could be dead in the water.

That’s exactly why I start EVERY single one of my private paying clients with our 7 Day Diet BEFORE I move them through the three proven cycles of fat-loss.

Although we all have different genetics -- I’ve never found anybody this plan hasn’t worked for.

And when you combine my Free 7 Day Ab Targeted Cardio & Interval Solution with Advanced Depletion (i.e. The 7 Day Diet) you create a powerful one-two punch to attack lower abdominal fat and stubborn pockets of cellulite:

=> 4CS System Over 70% OFF + 7 Day Ab Targeted Cardio & Interval Solution

But remember, these Free Bonuses and the 70% OFF deal are only good for the next few days.

After that, I’ll raise the price back up and BOTH of these bonuses go back into the vault.

=> Use this to NEVER store carbs as fat + TWO Rapid Fat Loss Bonuses

Also, make sure you keep your eye out for my next email. I can’t tell you how important this will be for you long term success.

I reveal the most powerful fat-burning exercise I’ve ever done. It’s actually my all time favorite for several reasons.

Trust me, if you don’t know how to use this ONE exercise you’ll block your fat-loss day after day…year after year.

This email has gotten more positive feedback from my readers than ANY other email I’ve ever sent. So please, do NOT miss tomorrow’s email.

And there’s nothing for sale. It’s all Free.

Talk soon,

Shaun “intensity always trumps duration” Hadsall